
I am a self-taught artist, currently specializing in oil paintings. I can also paint watercolor, acrylic, gouache (pronounced gwash), and pastels*. I create pencil and ink drawings as well.

I was first introduced to art by my mom who has been producing beautiful art for over 30 years. She is my inspiration for pursuing art.

I have been painting for about 10 years. Below is an early picture of me learning from Bob Ross (a really great artist).

The next great artist that taught me more about oil painting was Amy Divis. She was teaching a class at what is now called Kitsap Art Center.

I decided to name my business “The Cheesy Artist” because anyone who knows me knows that I like cheese. In addition, I appreciate humor and try to have fun in everything that I do. However, I can create serious quality artwork. If you need something emotional or moody, I can do it. If you want something painted in specific soft (not vibrant) colors I can do that too. Don’t let the work you see on this site stop you from telling me what you want and paying me to create it.

Please do not think that because I am making jokes that I don’t take my art seriously. I just like to make people smile and if I am really lucky they will laugh out loud.

The early start of my painting effort. A very blue picture.

The early start of my painting effort. A very blue picture.

My work on site on Bayshore Machine Works watercolor.  Where my daughter and I were so cold.

My work on site on Bayshore Machine Works watercolor. Where my daughter and I were so cold.


Dede Russell

This is me when I do my hair and smile.

Small Footnotes

* I have not painted or drawn any pastel paintings yet, but I really want to! I am going to take my first class on this soon.